It's ok to pause, come to your senses … And Breathe

Mindful Families

Maybe you are a Mum, Dad, Grandparent or carer and life has become way too busy, you find yourself shouting at the kids, not having much fun, stuck on autopilot and you want to make some much needed changes to how you communicate with each other.

At AndBreathe we recognise that parenting can be hard going when you are managing work, looking after the kids, maybe growing a new one, juggling childcare, paying the bills, keeping house, feeding everyone, making appointments, maintaining friendships, play dates, staying healthy, maintaining hobbies, getting that new hairdo or new tattoo… Ahhhh AndBreathe… the doing, doing, doing is endless!

Is there even any time to be mindful?

Yes, we believe there is. A daily practice can be as little as 3 minutes a day and can be achieved doing the everyday activities that you are used to. Having a cup of tea, brushing your teeth, taking a shower can all be undertaken with awareness and curiosity.

Taster & Drop-In Sessions

We're happy to announce that, starting in Febuary, we have launched two monthly taster/drop-in sessions, one for adults and one for parents/children in February. Sessions will run from 2:00pm - 3:30pm on Saturday afternoons on the dates listed below. Places are limited so we ask that you register your interest using the form below.


North Reddish Community Centre,
North Reddish Park,
Longford Road West,

If selecting a Parent and Child session, please complete the following fields on behalf of your child.

If there is anything else we should know, or if you have any other questions, use this space

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